24xi-Ethylcholest-5-en-3b-ol Formula:C29H50O CAS#:257939-67-6 MW:414.71 [MS] Jmol._Canvas2D (Jmol) "jmolApplet0"[x] Dots surface: no dotsvanderWaals dots surfacesolvent-accessible surfaceSpacefill:spacefill offspacefill 20%spacefill 95%Wireframe:wireframe offwireframe onwireframe .15wireframe .25wireframe .5background ivorybackground whitebackground blackbackground yellowbackground salmonbackground palegreenbackground skyblueRed blue stereo on/offElement label on/off Species utilize 24xi-Ethylcholest-5-en-3b-ol in its chemical communication system Agelasida, Agelasiidae Agelas sceptrum P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Ahnfeltiales, Ahnfeltiaceae Ahnfeltia paradoxa P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Apodida, Synaptidae Synapta maculata P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Spotted worm sea cucumber Aspidochirotida, Synallactidae Bathyplotes natans P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Dendrochirotida, Cucumariidae Cucumaria sp P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Gelidiales, Gelidiaceae Gelidium amansii P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Umutgasari Gelidium subcostata P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Gigartinales, Kallymeniaceae Callophyllis adhaerens P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Gigartinales, Phyllophoraceae Gymnogongrus divaricatus P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Gymnogongrus flabelliformis P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Gigartinales, Solieriaceae Meristotheca papulosa P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Jiguancai Halymeniales, Halymeniaceae Carpopeltis cornea P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Carpopeltis divaricata P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Holothuriida, Holothuriidae Holothuria nobilis P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Black teatfish Holothuria scabra P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Sandfish Molpadida, Molpadiidae Trochostoma orientale P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Persiculida, Pseudostichopodidae Pseudostichopus trachus P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Sandy sea cucumber Plocamiales, Plocamiaceae Plocamium telfairiae P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Poecilosclerida, Coelosphaeridae Lissodendoryx noxiosa P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Sphaeropleales, Hydrodictyaceae Hydrodictyon reticulatum P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Waternet Tetractinellida, Stellettidae Stelletta clarella P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Thick white prickly sponge Dendrochirotida, Sclerodactylidae, Cladolabinae Cladolabes bifurcatus P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Pectinida, Pectinidae, Pedinae, Fortipectinini Patinopecten yessoensis P �Category of the chemical signal A - Attractant Al - Allomone K - Kairomone P - Pheromone Sy - Synomone� �(*) indicates that compound is active� Japanese scallop